Trois cliniques mobiles financées par l’ONG détruites par l’aviation

Publié le par JasmiN

Gaza : Trois cliniques mobiles financées par l’ONG DanChurchAid détruites par l’aviation israélienne (VO)

Trois cliniques mobiles, clairement marquées du signe de la croix rouge et parquées dans les locaux d’une organisation médicale, ont été détruites par l’aviation israélienne dans la nuit du 5 janvier. « Nous avons été en mesure d’aider les blessés jusqu’à présent parce que nos véhicules étaient à l’intérieur de Gaza. Cette capacité d’assistance en urgence est maintenant détruite. Nous sommes profondément choqués que ces bombardements israéliens empêchent les efforts de l’aide humanitaire », déclare Henrik Stubkjær, secrétaire général de DanChurchAid.

Communiqué DanChurchAid, 6 janvier 2009

The organisation Union of Healthcare Committees, initiated by Palestinian doctors and nurses, has recently bought three small trucks, and equipped them to function as mobile health clinics in Gaza.

Since the conflict between Hamas and Israel started, DanChurchAid has supported an upgrade of the vehicles, so they could be used as basic ER’s, providing intensive care to wounded in Gaza.

We have just received news that all three mobile clinics were bombed and rendered useless on the night of the 5th of January. The vehicles were parked by the Union of Healthcare headquarters and all were clearly marked with red crosses and the caption “Mobile Clinic”.

”We’ve been able to help the wounded and suffering so far, because our vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of emergency aid is now in ruins. We are deeply chocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent the humanitarian aid effort.”, says Henrik Stubkjær, Secretary General of DanChurchAid.

DanChurchAid have granted additional funds for purchase of a new vehicle for Gaza, but equipping it as mobile clinics and deploying them in areas where help is needed will take time.

We are also looking into the possibility of supplying additional mobile clinics.

Publié dans Gaza News Info

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